4 Ways to Improve Your Self-Care Practice

Self-care has become a buzzword we’ve heard countless times in the last few years. From media outlets to magazines to horoscopes, we’re reminded to implement self-care like it’s an eye cream or lip balm. And for many women, it is just that simple. For others, the idea of putting themselves before their careers, families, or relationships feels foreign.

So much content generating when you search “self-care” on the internet is a powerful sign of the times. Brands and initiatives like ours are locked in to help women create narratives for themselves that start with identifying who they are and loving and caring for who and what they find. Still, we know how noisy social feeds can be when you’re simply trying to develop a style or practice of your own.

Self-care doesn’t have to be confusing or overwhelming when you’re starting out. The best thing to remember is that your practice is yours and shouldn’t be compared to anyone else’s. To help you get on the right track, here are four ways you can approach self-care and create or improve your practice.

Check-in with yourself

Improve your relationship with yourself by assessing what you need as often as possible. Even if you're in a situation that makes it difficult to understand what you might need, it can still be helpful to reserve space for yourself.

Themes to consider might be:

  • What do I need right now?

  • Do I have access to what I need at this moment?

  • How can I make today easier?

Listen to your body

Your powerful body tells you what it needs daily. It is your job to listen and provide what it needs to thrive. Take steps to center your wellness this week. If you don't know where to start, consult with your physician.

Themes to consider might be:

  • How does my body react when I eat certain foods?

  • How does my body react when I do or don't get enough sleep?

  • What makes my body feel good?

Document your thoughts

One great way to change your thought patterns is by writing down negative thoughts as they occur. This exercise will help you track the various thoughts swirling your mind. When practiced frequently, documenting your thoughts can slowly push you to reprogram the way you think.

Themes to consider might be:

  • What causes me to think this way?

  • Have I become desensitized to how these things make me feel?

  • How can I view the situation more positively

Speak nicely to yourself

In order to grow, plants require the basics: water and sunlight. These two natural elements can stabilize a plant. Crazy plant owners have learned when they pour extra love into their plants, they grow fuller and live longer.

Examples of that extra love include giving them names, noticing when they need repotting, and speaking to them nicely. If plants can benefit from nice words, imagine what they can do for you.

You are a flower. Speak to yourself nicely every day.


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