8 Ways to Self-Care During COVID-19

Photo credit: Vulture.

In the midst of an international pandemic, self-care gets the short end of the stick, right?

Work, or lack thereof, depending on your industry, changes by the day. Schools and “non-essential” businesses are closed indefinitely. Local municipalities are governing our lives in ways this generation has never seen before. We’re isolated in our homes — away from friends and family, apart from our favorite things. And worst of all, the health of millions are compromised by no fault of their own.

While we hold our breath awaiting the return of normalcy, it is urgent that we also prioritize the way we take care of ourselves. For many women, self-care centers around appointments to hair and nail salons, retail therapy, or brunch with friends. Where does that leave us when those little getaways are temporarily unavailable?

In real life, sis.

Self-care isn’t the glitz getaway Instagram makes it out to be. Manis and pedis are fun — and after weeks of negligence, they’ll be necessary — but now we’re forced to be real with ourselves. COVID-19 is one of the worst things several of us have encountered in a long while. Still, it owns a peculiar beauty that could be the catalyst necessary to investigate the ways we manage our emotions, spirit, finances, and more.

Here are 8 ways to self-care during an epic health and economic crisis.

Get in touch with your spirit

Lately, you might have been searching for a sign to exercise or explore your spiritual beliefs. More than ever, it feels like we all need something or someone to believe in. Use this opportunity to pray and meditate on what’s happening within and around you. Write your thoughts down in a journal for safekeeping. Be intentional with your requests and remain open to answers.

End fruitless relationships

A warped sense of loyalty (and dysfunction) can have us in situations and/or with people we loathe. I get it — it’s complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether it’s a mean childhood “friend”, disrespectful relative, or a significant other who’s stayed past their welcome, now is a critical time to evaluate the people in your daily life. What kind of people do you need? Are you one of those kind of people? It is also important to look inward so that you can determine if you’re someone else’s “fruitless relationship”, too.

Stock or replenish your home with essentials for the future

Inventory is slim in these COVID-19 streets, so I understand how difficult stocking up can be right now. Please safely purchase what you can, when you can. In your downtime, make a list of nonnegotiables for your livelihood. Include household, medical, food, grooming, emergency, and whatever else you deem important. When things return to normal, purchase items that your future self will thank you for.

Create (or stick to) a financial plan

As much as I miss eating out, I am grateful to save the money in its absence. 2019 revealed how badly I needed a tighter financial plan that largely includes saving, reducing debt and unnecessary spending, and having cash available at all times. The Coronavirus reiterated that for me and those in my circles. If the economy crashes, I don’t want to crash and burn with it, so I’m being smarter with how I spend and save money.

Frequently chat with people who love you

Crises call for compassion, empathy, love, and support. Lean onto people who reciprocate those emotions with you. Just make sure you’re doing it virtually, by phone, or at least six feet away, girl.

Visualize your best self post-COVID-19

“This too shall pass,” and I strongly believe that. Now, who will you be when it does? Take a moment to visualize you as your best self. Consider everything from your appearance and how you feel about yourself to where you live and how you make money. Write down everything you see and feel.

Alternatively, if you aren’t living the life of your dreams, figure out why. Try to identify potential blockages and their origins. What’s keeping you from being the person you envision?

Reconnect with your hobbies

Life is stressful right now. You deserve to do at least one thing that is fun, cathartic, and just for you. Reconnect with positive things that make you feel good or distract you from constant panic. Some ideas include reading, art, writing poetry, exercising, cooking, going down a rabbit hole on YouTube, or streaming your favorite shows. I don’t care what you do, just do something for you.

Rest and give yourself grace

COVID-19 has impacted us in ways we’ll remember for years to come. It’s okay to feel weary right now. It’s okay if your life isn’t figured out by tomorrow. It’s okay if your daily routine doesn’t accommodate the tidal wave of adjustments coming your way. Woosah, sis; you’re not alone.

Allow for adequate rest when you need it. Reschedule meetings if you have to. Turn off the news when it becomes too much. Try not to get caught on the very fine line of being “on” and burnt out.

Please remember to be gentle to your mind and body as you navigate this increasingly confusing time. Reach out if you ever need a reminder.


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